
Monday, June 29, 2015

NDLEA After Davido For His “Fans Mi” Video

National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) is investigating Davido on his new video with Meek Mill for showcasing hard drugs in this video.

The “Fans Mi” song is intended to promote Davido’s appreciation towards his fans for their love and support over the years. The music video however, appears to be more about the singer’s money and enemies than about his fans. Davido’s video also shows drugs, lightly dressed women and guns. 


Donald Trump has been fired from NBC because of his recent comments about Mexicans, but hey, business is business, so there's a catch.
NBC just said, "Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBC Universal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump."

The network says 'Miss USA' and 'Miss Universe' will no longer air on NBC.
As for "The Apprentice," the network notes Trump has already said he won't participate because of his presidential run.

BUT ... the network says, "Celebrity Apprentice" is a Mark Burnett production and "that relationship will continue." And guess who hosts that show? NBC did not say it would demand a different host.
As we said, business is business.


Arsenal Confirms Petr Cech's Deal

Gunners have agreed a fee of £11million for the veteran goalkeeper, who apparently told Jose Mourinho that he wanted to make the move across London.
After countless fairly shoddy Photoshop attempts at mocking up Cech in an Arsenal shirt, fans of north London side can finally get excited about seeing the 33-year-old at the Emirates next season.
Cech, who arrives on a long-term contract, told Arsenal’s official website: ‘I’m really excited about joining Arsenal Football Club and can’t wait to join up for pre-season.

Mother, Baby Survive 4 Days In The Jungle After Plane Crash

A mother kept herself and her infant son alive for four days in a dense jungle of Colombia after the plane that they were passengers in crashed and caught fire.
María Nelly Murillo Moreno, 19, suffered a broken ankle when the plane that she and her 5-month-old boy were flying in crashed Saturday in the western Colombian department of Chocó.

The mother also suffered burns, according to the Colombian air force, after the plane caught fire on impact. She was burned while taking the baby out as fast as she could to save his life.

Col. Rodrigo Zapata of the Colombian air force told CNN the plane crashed at 1 p.m. Saturday, 15 minutes after takeoff from Nuquí Airport in Chocó. It was bound for Quibdó, a city in the same department. It should have been a 30-minute flight.
The pilot, identified as Carlos Mario Ceballos, died in the crash. An air force search-and-rescue team found his body and the wreckage Sunday morning. The crash is under investigation.

"It's a case that caught our attention from the beginning," Zapata said. "First of all, it was amazing that even though the cockpit was destroyed, the cabin area sustained very little damage, which explains part of the reason why mother and son survived."
Murillo left traces to help rescuers find them, including the baby's birth certificate, her cell phone, a diaper bag and the pilot's wallet.

According to Zapata, loud speakers fitted to the bottom of search helicopters helped in the hunt for the pair. The mother heard the speakers and returned to an area near the crash, where rescuers ultimately found her and her son Wednesday.

Good Samaritan Allows Woman To Hear Her Husband's Voice Before He Dies

"You don't know who I am but I'm here with your husband and he's been in a terrible accident."
Those are the words Tami Cochran heard when she answered the phone from an unknown caller on Saturday night.
On the other end of the phone, was Bianca Walker.  

"That's when she said can I speak to him so I put the phone to his ear," Walker said. " He just broke down crying ."
Walker said she pulled over on Leesburg and Patterson Road around 9 p.m. after seeing Alvin Cochran, Jr. injured on the side of the road. A few feet away from him was a burning motorcycle.
Cochran was struck by a car while on his motorcycle.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sean Tizzle Set To Leave D’Tunes Difference Entertainment, Floats Own Label

The current crisis rocking D’Tunes led Difference Entertainment may have taken a new dimension as the So le crooner, Sean Tizzle is almost formalizing his Tizzle Nation Movement. Though his contract with the label still subsists, it is yet unclear how this will play out.
Weekend Beat gathered Sean Tizzle, does not want to let the cat out at the moment to be able to perfect his exit plans. However, this might not be coming as a surprise to D’Tunes, who already signed five artistes — Q-Dot, Bad Boy Ace, D-O, ATM, and Kue Bounce to the label, while Sean Tizle was away in America against the label’s wish.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Chicago Mother Arrested For Raping A Man At Gunpoint

Ciera Ross, a mother of two, has been arrested and charged with raping a man. According to CBS Chicago, Ross and a friend were driving on the North Side of Chicago when they saw a man walking down the street in late July.

Ross, 25, stopped and asked the 33-year-old man if he wanted a ride. The man took the offer, but Ross’ true intentions became evident when she pulled a gun on the man. She forced the man to go to the backseat and told him to have sex with her friend. The man pleaded for the women to stop after they made him fondle the woman’s breasts and butt.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

British Students Invented A Condom That Changes Colour If It Detects An STI

A group of teenagers from London just invented a condom that glows when it detects an STI.
The S.T.EYE condom is the brainchild of students Muaz Nawaz (13), Daanyaal Ali (14), and Chirag Shah (14), from London’s Isaac Newton Academy.
They came up with the idea, which won top prize at the TeenTech Awards, as a way to combat soaring rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
The condom uses a built-in layer of molecules that glow when they come into contact with bacteria and viruses associated with the most common STIs.
And they glow a different colour depending on the infection detected – green for chlamydia, yellow for herpes, purple in the presence of the virus which causes genital warts, and blue for syphilis.

Shocking Pictures Of Toddler Smoking Drugs and Drinking Cider Posted By Mum

This is the height of child abuse been displayed by yet to be identified individual taking advantage of the child innocence. There is absolute need to get him/her arrested for abusing the kid involved.

These distressing images show a mother encouraging her toddler to drink alcohol and smoke drugs.
The pictures were uploaded to Facebook from Argentina and has sparked police reports.
They were first seen back in January but have generated controversy as they were left online for so long before they were taken down.

10 Choices You Will Someday Regret Having Made

Hindsight is a funny thing. Look forward and the path seems uncertain, the future unpredictable. Look back and all the dots seem to connect... except the dots that mark the choices you didn't make, and the risks you didn't take.

Here are choices you will someday regret having made:

1. Choosing not to be brave.

Being brave doesn't mean you aren't afraid -- in fact, the opposite is true. Courage without thought or meaning is simply recklessness. Brave people aren't fearless; they've simply found something that matters more to them than fear.

Say you're scared to start a business. Find a reason that means more: creating a better future for your family, wanting to make a real difference, or hoping for a more rewarding and fulfilling life.

Once you find a greater meaning, you also find courage. See fear not as something to shrink from but as something to overcome -- because that's all it is.

2. Choosing the pain of regret over the pain of discipline.

The worst words you can say are, "If I had only..."

Think of all the things you've wanted to do but never have. What did you do instead? If you're like me, you can't recall. All you know is that time is gone and whatever you did instead wasn't even worth remembering.

Think about one thing you dreamed of doing five or 10 years ago but didn't work to do... and think about how good you'd be today at that one thing if you had. Think about all the time you wasted and can never get back.

American Toyota Executive Arrested for Drugs in Japan

Communications head allegedly tried to import oxycodone

Toyota’s chief communications officer was arrested in Japan Thursday for allegedly importing oxycodone. Julie Hamp, who took on the role as Toyota’s communications head in April, violated the country’s Narcotics Control Act by attempting to use an international parcel service to receive oxycodone, according to Tokyo Police. The substance is a prescription drug in the United States but banned in Japan.

Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda said the company should have done more to prepare Hamp for her relocation from the U.S. to Japan. “Through the investigation, I believe that we will learn she had no intent to violate the law,” he said.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Teenager 'Took Selfies As She Had Sex With Dog'

A teenager has reportedly admitted taking selfies as she had sex with a dog in her grandma's house.

Ashley Miller is said to have told police how she coaxed her dog, a pit bull called 2-face, into performing a sex act on her between 30 and 40 times over the past five years.

Officers have also indicated she admitted to making her previous dog, a pit bull-Rottweiler cross named Scarface, perform oral sex on her.

Miller, from Bradenton, Florida, has been charged with two counts of sexual activities involving animals after police discovered the vile images on her mobile phone.

Taylor Forces Apple To Listen

Apple is not a company famed for listening. After all, it prides itself on knowing what consumers want before they do, so why should it care what they think? All the more surprising then, that it should have listened to one angry customer, a Ms T Swift of Beverly Hills, California.
It helped, of course, that Taylor Swift is probably the biggest name in the recording industry right now. But her more in sorrow than anger Tumblr post about Apple's "shocking, disappointing" plan to pay artists nothing for the first three months of its Apple Music service certainly had an instant impact.

Within hours Apple's Eddy Cue - he of the rather embarrassing dad-dancing sequence at the launch of Apple Music - had reversed the policy. And even more surprisingly, this executive at a company which has until recently been very shy about using social media took to Twitter to do it.

P Diddy Arrested At His Son’s School Campus

Hip hop mogul P Diddy has been arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon in Los Angeles.
The alleged incident occurred on the University of California campus on Monday afternoon, where his son is on the football team, police said.

The weapon in question was a kettlebell, which is used for weight training.
Jail records show Diddy - whose real name is Sean Combs - was released on bail on Monday evening.
The bail posted was $160,000 (£101,000).

‘Uganda’s Ugliest Man’ Becomes A Father For The 8th Time

Godfrey Baguma, 47, who is believed to suffer from a rare, unknown medical condition, and his wife Kate Namanda, 30, welcomed a baby girl.
Baguma won the less-than-favourable title in 2002, after he entered the competition to make money for his cash-strapped family.

Before his marriage to Kate, Godfrey had two children with his first wife – but their marriage came to an end when he caught her cheating with another man.
Describing how he wooed Kate initially, Godfrey told KFM: ‘I stayed with her four years before her people knew where she was. I didn’t want them to see me until we had a child because they would definitely advise her to leave me.

7 Ways Being Single Affects Your Health

Trends do seem to exist among people in different types of relationships, with potential lessons that all adults—regardless of their marital status—can use to better their quality of life. Here are seven ways flying solo may affect your health, for better or worse.

You’re less likely to gain weight

A 2013 study in the journal Health Psychology shows that happily married couples tend to gain weight in the four years after getting hitched. Without the pressure to attract a new mate, the authors say, newlyweds can get complacent about their appearance.

A recent Australian study in the journal Body Image showed that women who feel pressured to slim down before their wedding gained more weight within the following 6 months. Married men were more likely to be overweight or obese compared to their peers who were single, in relationships, or engaged, according to a 2014 University of Minnesota study of young adults.

You’re more likely to exercise regularly

“Many single women and men care about their health and their well-being,” says DePaulo. “They exercise, eat right, and live overall healthy lifestyles.” In a 2004 study from the University of Maryland, for example, unmarried adults exercised more than married ones, including those without kids.

A British survey conducted in 2011 echoed these results, finding that 76% of married men and 63% of married women failed to meet the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity a week. Only 24 and 33% of single men and women, respectively, missed the mark.

Monday, June 22, 2015

20 Dead In Maiduguri Suicide Blast


At least 20 people were killed when a female suicide bomber detonated her explosives at a bus station in Maiduguri, northeast Nigeria, a civilian vigilante and a survivor said on Monday.
“We have sorted out 20 dead bodies and 50 others that were injured,” said vigilante Danlami Ajaokuta and a survivor who escaped the blast near the city’s fish market on Baga Road.
A civilian vigilante assisting the military against Boko Haram who witnessed the incident said the bomb went off at about 3:50pm.
We heard a loud explosion while we were preparing for afternoon prayers,” he said.
“It happened right inside the motor park (bus station) attached to the fish market where labourers were sorting out rice.”
He said that according to survivors’ accounts, a woman came into the bus station with a casserole dish, shouting out for customers.

“People were occupied with sorting the rice. No one paid any attention.
“Suddenly, the casserole, which obviously contained explosives, went off. She was blown to pieces… We have sorted out 20 dead bodies and 50 others that were injured.”
Ajaokuta’s account was supported by a labourer working at the scene who survived the blast, which sent people running in all directions in fear and panic.
“The rescue operation is still on, so the death toll may be higher at the end,” said the labourer, who asked not to be identified.
Reports from Maiduguri indicated that the bomber was a girl aged about 17 but there was no immediate confirmation of her age.

10 Largest Financial Frauds Of All Time

Financial fraud is defined as an intentional act of deceiving someone concerning financial transactions for the purpose of personal gain. Financial fraud is a crime and it is also a violation against civil law. Most of the time financial frauds are done by those white collar criminals like business professionals that have enough knowledge in financial transactions. Over the years, we have seen financial frauds and there would be likely more in the future until we learn how financial fraudsters and schemers work.

Charles Ponzi
We often hear Ponzi scheme but who is Ponzi? Charles Ponzi is an Italian born con artist who promised new money scheme for his investors. He used international reply coupons (IPC) and exchanged it for airmail postage stamps abroad. He promised 50% profit within 45 days and 100% for 90 days.

With his Ponzi scheme, he was able to earn an equivalent of $4.5 million in today’s money. He lived a lavish lifestyle, however police caught up to him. Authorities unraveled the scheme that Ponzi used. Ponzi would use the money from his most recent investors to pay previous investments. The scam affected six banks, and the total loses of his investors totaled around $20 million. Ponzi was charged with mail fraud and larceny, spending a total of 17 years behind bars for his scams, before being deported to Italy.

Mark Dreier
Mark Dreier was a popular lawyer who sold fictitious securities to hedge funds and other rich clients. He created fake documents to convince his clients that the shares he was selling were real. Later on, he would embezzle the money for personal gain. His illegal transactions were stopped when he was caught in 2008. During the investigation, Dreier estimated fraud had amounted to $400 million. He was convicted to 20 years in prison.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Twitter users @EMQuangel and @HenryKrinkle have found a website believed to be owned by Dylann Roof, which includes pictures of him, as well as a manifesto of over 2,000 words, where he explains his motivation behind the shooting.
We have chosen not to link to the website as it also contains graphic images of currently unidentified people.
In some of the pictures, Roof is seen wearing 88-branded garments, which is an abbreviation for ‘Heil Hitler’, popular in white supremacist circles.

In the manifesto, Roof says that he was ‘awakened’ by the Trayvon Martin case, as he believed that ‘Zimmerman was right’.
He then calls black people ‘stupid and violent’, and says: ‘I have read hundreds of slaves narratives from my state. And almost all of them were positive’.
As pointed out by previous reports, he reaffirms his support of segregation between black and white people.
Black people are, however, not the only source of his hatred, as he says the ‘Jewish identity’ should be destroyed.

The King With 100 Wives

Abumbi II, the 11th fon, or king, of Bafut, Cameroon, has close to 100 wives. They weren't all his to start. According to local tradition, when a fon dies, his successor inherits all his wives and then marries his own queens.

"The queens have a great role to play in the fondom," notes Prince Nickson, also of Bafut, noting that it is up to these women behind the man to shape him in his kingly role.

"Behind every successful man must be a very successful, staunch woman," says Abumbi's third wife, Queen Constance.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Meet Real Madrid Player Who Wants To Play For Nigeria

The 22-year-old centre-back, who is known simply as Derik, has played at all youth levels for Spain including two appearances for the Under-21 team.
But Derik, a regular for European giants Real Madrid's B side, is eligible to play for the Super Eagles because his father is Nigerian.
And under Fifa rules he is free to switch because he has not yet played for a country's senior national team.
Despite possessing the talent to potentially make the step up to Spain's senior side, Derik has issued what appears to be effectively a come-and-get-me plea to the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF).
"I have lived in Spain all my life and I am not sure the people in Nigeria are aware that I have Nigerian blood," Derik told BBC Sport.

10 Things You Need To Know About Ramadan

1. Ramadan is not about starvation.

During the daytime hours that we fast, we go about our normal lives working and going to school — we just refrain from food, drink, sex, and provocative behavior such as cursing, backbiting, and rudeness.

Stopping yourself from falling into those practices affords the peace of mind that allows you to think clearly and rationally without being clouded by overwhelming emotions. It allows you to be productive instead of spending time thinking about grievances in your life that can make you angry or depressed.

2. They fast from more than food and drink.

You are really fasting from any intense physical desires. You are fasting from anger, sadness, and frustration. Of course, you cannot control what makes you upset, but you can control the way you react to your situations, and that is what the month of Ramadan trains you to do.

Our hearts are fasting from grieving. Our minds take control, rather than our emotions.

3. Don’t feel bad for those observing the ramadan.

“Oh my God, you can’t eat for the next 15 hours? Wow, I’m so sorry!” No. Don’t feel sorry. Although fasting can make me sleepy and tired, the return on investment is absolutely thrilling. The feeling of having refrained from activities that usually just feed my ego is very empowering.

Fasting is not just a disconnection between the human body and food. It’s about building a connection between you and God. Between you and your spirit. You are preventing your mind from becoming a slave to your physical body and its desires — that’s powerful.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Breaking News: Charleston Church Shooter Identified & Caught

The man suspected of killing nine people Wednesday night at an African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina, was arrested Thursday morning about 245 miles (395 kilometers) away in Shelby, North Carolina, law enforcement authorities said.

Dylann Roof, 21, of Lexington, South Carolina, was taken into custody without incident about 11:15 a.m. during a traffic stop, Charleston police Chief Greg Mullen said Thursday morning. He said local police were acting on a BOLO (be-on-the-lookout) notice that included a vehicle description, the license tag and the suspect's name.

He Walked In & Shot 9 People Dead -Charleston Church Shooting

A white man walked into a historic African-American church in Charleston and opened four during a Bible study class, killing nine people Wednesday evening.

The gunman was still at large early Thursday. And the shooting that Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the oldest AME church in the South, is being investigated as a hate crime.

"The only reason someone would walk into a church and shoot people att were praying is hate," Charleston Mayor Joe Riley said.

Eight churchgoers died at the scene; a ninth to a hospital, police said. Among them is the church's pastor, the Rev. Clementa Pinckney ifølge CNN affiliate WCSC.

Officials would not say how many people were at the Bible study during the shooting. There were survivors, said Charleston Police Chief Greg Mullen, but he did not elaborate.

Mother Stabs Two-year-old Son To Death

What level of insanity, depression or delusion could be attributed to this situation that occurred in Ota, Ogun State?
A woman in her mid-twenties intentionally took the life of her only son in what could be described as intent murder.  
The police in Ogun State have arrested a 26-year-old woman, Funmilayo Tijani, who allegedly stabbed her two-year-old son, Emmanuel, to death in the Sango Ota area of the state.

PUNCH Metro learnt that Funmilayo, a fashion designer, and her husband, identified simply as John, separated two years ago as a result of a quarrel.

It was gathered that Funmilayo had returned to stay in her father’s apartment with her only child after the separation.

Our correspondent learnt that on May 27, at about 4pm, Funmilayo’s neighbours on Ogunso Street, Orelope Estate, in the Egan, Sango area, noticed that she held a bloodstained knife and saw Emmanuel in a pool of blood.

Mystery Man Donates Wedding Dress With Touching Note About Late Wife

A dress has caused a stir on social media – and no, it’s not about whether it’s blue and black or gold and white.

A wedding dress donated to the St. Gemma’s Hospice charity shop in England this week had a moving note attached that was written by its owner, who the organization said it tracked down Thursday after asking for the public’s help.
"I wish any lady who takes this dress to have a life with her loved one, 56 years like I did, happy years,” said a handwritten note attached to the dress by a pin. “I was a lucky man to marry a lady like mine."

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

ZAKAA Luxury Presents the Ulysse Nardin Wrist Watch Collection

ZAKAA, now showcasing the Mechanical Chronometers and other rare timepieces from this Premium chorological brand. From complications such as the Freak Diavolo and Moonstruck to the highly precise Marine chronometer.

Ulysse Nardin is the epitome of exotic watch making and a proud belonging of watch Connoisseurs around the world. The Team Zakaa personally invite you, friends and associate for a glass of Champagne or Tea at our Abuja Concept Boutique where we look forward to warmly receive you while presenting you the full Inspirational Ulysee Nardin Collection.For more Information.
Kindly call 092914615 Transcorp Hilton Abuja or Follow us on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram
Twitter:  @zakaaluxury
Instagram: @zakaaluxury

 Kindly visit our Website

Can A Penis Be Too Big For Vagina? (18+)

In a perfect world, your boyfriend/husband/fiancé/hookup would have the Goldilocks of penises: not too big and not too small—just right for you. But this is not a perfect world, and the truth is that size can sometimes be an issue. His penis and your vagina might not always match up perfectly. We checked in with gynecologist Lauren Streicher, M.D., author of Sex Rx: Hormones, Health, and Your Best Sex Ever, to find out if a penis can ever be too big for your vagina—and what to do if you find yourself dealing with the papa bear of penises.

Good news: In general, most vaginas are able to fit all shapes and sizes of penises. "Given appropriate arousal and lubrication, most vaginas can expand to fit whatever size penis," says Streicher.

It’s also pretty rare for women in their twenties and thirties to have problems accommodating more well-endowed men. "It becomes more common as you get older, though, because the likelihood of your having medical or hormonal issues increases," she says.


After reading through this Special Report, any shred of doubt in the reader’s mind that Nigeria is doomed and heading for a headlong, downward plummeting will simply dissipate.
The Nigerian Legislators, both at the State & Federal levels are the problem of this country.
They only legislate into their pocket at the detriment of the masses.

The details of the remuneration of an average Nigerian SENATORS
ARE detailed below:
* Basic Salary (B.S) – N2,484,245.50
* Hardship Allowance (50% of B.S) –N1,242,122.70
* Constituency Allowance (200% of B.S) –N4,968,509.00
* Newspapers Allowance (50% of B.S) –N1,242,122.70
* Wardrobe Alawance (25% of B.S) –N621,061.37
* Recess Allowance (10% of B.S) – N248,424.55
* Accommodation (200% of B.S) – N4,968,509.00

Guide Dog Throws Himself In Front Of Bus To Save Owner’s Life

This dog literally threw himself in front of a bus to save the life of his owner.

Golden retriever Figo was crossing the street with his blind owner Audrey Stone, 62, when she stepped out into the path of an oncoming vehicle in New York, US.

With limited options the dog chose to take the impact of the bus and was crushed under a wheel suffering injuries to three legs, CBS reported.
Audrey was struck too and suffered a fractured elbow and ankle and is in hospital recovering well.

Audrey said: ‘I thank him. I thank God that I have him and that he survived too. I love him.

‘I want to get home to my dog.’

Reference: metro

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

BUHARI Hammers Asari-Dokubo, Gani Adams & Co, Nullify Their N9.3b Pipeline Security Contracts!

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has terminated the N9.3 billion surveillance contracts offered to some former Niger Delta militants and self-determination groups.
Muhammadu Buhari embargoed the renewal of the multimillion dollars pipeline surveillance contracts which expired yesterday. In March, the Federal Government under erstwhile President Goodluck Jonathan through the NNPC had handed over the job of protecting the nation’s oil and gas pipelines and waterways to former militants and self determination groups.
Among the beneficiaries of the contracts are Government Ekpemupolo (aka Tompolo), Mujaheed Asari-Dokubo and Chief Bipobiri Ajube (aka Gen. Shoot-At-Sight) alongside Fasehun and Gani Adams of OPC.

The terms of the contracts detailed seven companies to operate in allocated “regions” or operational areas: Egbe Security River One (Bayelsa), Gallery Security (Mosinmi-Ore), Close Body Protection (Edo State), Adex Energy Security (Rivers), Donyx Global Concept (Lagos and Ogun), Oil Facilities Surveillance (Delta) and New Age Global Security (Mosinmi-Ibadan). Checks by New Telegraph revealed that the President decided to wait till the expiration of the three-month contracts.

“He has embargoed the renewal of the contracts to these groups. They are just three-month contracts and it is best to allow them to expire than to terminate them. He was advised not to rock the boat and he followed that advice,” a source at the Presidency told this newspaper. The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) confirmed that the contracts have not been renewed.