
Saturday, February 16, 2013


The management of Kennis Music has made a public declaration of the death of one her musicians and a Big Brother Icon 'Goldie' who died on the val's day.

According to the CEO of  Kennis Music- Kenny Ogungbe:
''With a deep sense of loss, we announce we announce the shocking death of our darling music star, Goldie Harvey. Goldie, 31, died on Thursday after she complained of severe headache shortly after her arrival from United States Of America where she  went to witness Grammy Award. She was rushed from her Park View Estate, Ikoyi, to Reddington Hospital, Victoria Island, where she gave up the ghost at exactly 7:30pm in the evening.

We consider this period a glooming moment for us and the entire Nigerian music industry in view of the circumstance in which she passed away; the abundance of talent she exhibited in her  short but eventful career and the various opportunities her trip to United States would have availed her. She survived by her father, step mother, brothers and sisters. We deeply sympathesize with her family and her fans all over the world and very grateful to all and sundry, especially, the vibrant Nigerian media for their concern and prompt repotage. We shall keep everybody informed as events unfold as we are devastated by the sudden loss.


Sunday, February 3, 2013


By Megan Malugani, Monster Contributing Writer, and Charles Purdy, Monster Senior Editor

“Think before you speak” is always a good policy -- and at work it's even more important. Saying the wrong thing to your boss can do serious damage to your career -- and some of the things bosses don't like to hear may surprise you. We checked in with some managers and came up with this list of nine phrases they strongly dislike -- and we'll tell you what you should say instead:
1. "I need a raise."

Never enter salary negotiations talking about what you need -- because of rising costs or a new expense, for instance. Your employer doesn't care about your financial problems. However, management probably does want to reward success and keep high-performing employees satisfied. A raise request should always be supported by evidence of what you've achieved for the company -- along with information about what people with your responsibilities typically earn.

2. “That just isn’t possible.”