
Friday, July 5, 2013


I woke on Saturday with a painfully sore body. I had the previous day engaged in a two- hour session of volley ball and Zumba fitness and somehow thought stretching after these exercises was a waste of time; I learn the bitter way.

Anyway, with my determination into being a world-class chef, I picked up my sore body and went grocery shopping. I love to shop fresh, unless the recipe calls for an overnight marinate.

With Fresh produce, especially veggies, you get the needed nutrients into your system, that way you stay healthier and have that unmistakeable healthy glow. Moreover, the food is more delicious and presentation is more appealing as fresh produce gives vibrant colours.

However, one must also learn to eat in moderation, no matter now healthy the meal is perceived to be. Even the consumption of known healthy foods as veggies and fruits must be in moderation.

On my way out of the house , I grabbed a banana as I have made it compulsory to eat breakfast everyday. Do you know bananas have no fat content at all? A little amount of fibre, yes but great source of potassium and an average banana contains between 80-130 calories which makes it a perfect snack, especially if you are on a diet. It's an energy booster and it's no wonder it is a chosen power-food among athletes. I usually have one before a work-out and the energy it gives me is amazing. It does have loads of sugar (fructose)- good sugar though, but like every other food, it should be eaten in moderation.

I totally enjoined my chosen recipe for the week, a French Cuisine :

Grilled Prawns with Garlic butter and Tomato melt (side dish).

The main dish-Grilled Prawns with Garlic butter- is best served hot with rice.

The Tomato Melt made a heavenly delicious side dish. Tomatoes are other powerful foods; they contain lots of anti-oxidants, especially the much sought-after-Lycopene. So for that ageless, younger look, keep incorporating tomatoes in your meal. It is also one of the few foods that do not lose their nutrients when heated. For tomatoes, more nutrients are released.

I thought I'd have the chance to bake but I had to give in to my body's call for rest.

Overall, it was a very good day, ingredients were quite easy to get in my local shop, though I had most of them in my pantry.

For my body, some stretch exercises and a good sleep did the trick.

For my next thinking still French or Mexican?

Signature: D'Prince

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