
Friday, May 8, 2015

Kanye West LEAVES Roc Nation Management ,To Be Managed By KRIS JENNER!!!

Kanye West has OFFICIALLY dropped Jay Z's Roc Nation as his management team . . . and his new manager, is mother-in-law Kris Jenner.

According to a TOP MTO INSIDER, we're told that there was friction between Jay Z and Kanye West for some time. . . but Kanye hoped that he could fix the situation. The insider explained, "Kanye was not feeling respected at Roc Nation. They told his he'd have a joint album with Rihanna - then they took it away. They said he'd have a joint tour with Jay Z - then they took that away." And the LAST STRAW - is when Roc Nation CANCELLED Kanye's proposed tour with Rihanna.

Our snitch added, "When Kanye first joined Roc Nation it was like a family . . . now it's way too corporate. He'd rather be with his REAL family, Kris Jenner, and build something with them."'s snitch added that Kris has EXPERTISE in fashion merchandising and TV production - two areas that Kanye plans to extend himself into.

Wow . . . these Kardashian's just STAY WINNING

 Culled: mediatakeout

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