
Sunday, April 15, 2012


The Preferred Choice
The Imposed Choice
For how long will the affairs of the World Bank be influenced by United States of America? If truly one of the goals and objectives behind World Bank formation is to see to the general development in the developing countries, why should we not have the president of this organization from the developing nation?

On Friday, one of the top candidates by the name Jose Antonio Ocampo withdrew from the race for what he called ‘highly political’. He said the race has turned highly political with the influence of the United States in the search for the proper candidates. He was further of the opinion that the developing nation should rally behind Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo Iweala

Iweala is now the only candidate from developing nation as against Obama nominated candidate Jim Yong Kim (a Korean-American Health Expert). According to Thomas Bollyky, the United States had influence or control over who gets to lead the World Bank and that is the reason behind Obama’s nomination.

On the other hand the emerging countries such as Angola, South Africa and Nigeria have endorsed the candidacy of Iweala based on her qualifications, experience and the need to have a president from a developing nation.
On comparison, Iweala seems more qualified for this position than Jim, as she has more financial background and past experience in this area than Jim. That is, Iweala has institutional knowledge having worked with World Bank, experience in development economics and public finance while Jim has credible achievement in public health without substantial finance and economic credentials.

Like the majority, Jose Antonio Ocampo also gave his support to Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and wishes her best of luck in the final stage.
According to Financial Times, which also endorsed the candidacy of Okonjo-Iweala, stated that “In this less than ideal world, Mr Kim’s appointment seems inevitable. But if the Bank’s shareholders wanted the best president, they would opt for Ms Okonjo-Iweala.”
We also wish Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala best of luck as the board picks the president tomorrow.

signature: d'prince

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