
Friday, October 10, 2014


The level of police brutality in the United States of America is at an alarming rate and getting out of hands. It simply becoming an expression of Hatred or a replay of what happened years back ‘Segregation but Equal’. This needs the attention of authorities at the corridor of power to curb the racial killings that is becoming menace to the society.

Just as the black community in St. Louis were trying to put behind them the gruesome killing of Brown, another horror occurred as young teenager of about 18 years old ( Vonderrit Myers Jr.) was shot by another White officer who was off duty.
According to report of the incident (yet to be fully confirmed), the officer claimed the Myers pulled a gun and shot at him while he was pursuing him and his other two friends.

Contrarily, the relatives of Myers affirmed that the teenager did not have a gun as reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

"There is a real breakdown of trust in law enforcement," said Rashad Robinson, executive director Color of Change, a national online civil rights organization helping to promote the protests. "But people are trying to build momentum for reforms that need to happen in communities around the country."

The frequent police brutality in US and other parts of the world is becoming viral and need urgent control and properly attention. 
"All I really wanna say is that they don’t really care about us"…..Micheal Jackson (Late King of Pop)

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