
Thursday, March 29, 2012


I was just about leaving the office after the day’s work, when the picture above and below appears on my facebook regarding the devilish act by men that lack respect for their women. It was an evil carried out by a beast among the men, something that requires serious attention of the law of the land.


Who is in the picture?

There is a saying that sight can be deceptive? But if you think and know your sight can’t deceive you, please tell me the celeb in the above picture.

If you know who the girl is, fill the gaps by writing it out at the comment section below
K-M        K---A-S---N
Source: d'prince

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Everyone needs someone with whom to share their secrets

Listening is just as important as talking

When it comes to ‘bonding,’ females do it better

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

D’Banj, Jay Z and Rihana @ London Hackney Weekend Event

Shortly after the news of his departure from Mo’Hit Records, and the release of his new video of Oliver twist, D’Banj is at it again to set the record straight for critics and fans.  This time around he is taking his musical career on another height with his presence and performance with world renowned musicians.

As part of the Olympic festival, the Hackney Weekend Event is been organized by BCC Radio 1 to entertain visitors who are visiting the city of London all over the world for the London Olympic 2012 .

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Point of making the most important decision

This beautiful piece was sent to me by a friend, who received it from his wife, wanting to know who makes the substantial decision regarding our daily activities and survival as human or couple. It might sounds embarrassing but I think women play the most significant roles in men decisions making process as well as the final decision arrived at by men.
The below is for you to read and add comments about who makes the most important decision and who actually the other paragraph is referring to.

  I once asked my friend, "What is the secret behind your happy married life?" He replied, "You should share responsibilities with due love, and respect to each other. Then absolutely there will be no problems.
" I asked, "Can you explain?

Friday, March 23, 2012



I stumbled on this piece and I want to share this touching story with you. It is a story we need to learn and emulate from.
A doctor came to the hospital in a hurry after being called for urgent surgery. He answered the call, changed his clothes as soon as possible and went straight to the block for surgery. There, he finds the boy's father who made going back and forth in the lobby. Seeing the doctor arrive, the father yelled: "Why did you take that long to come? Don’t you know that my son's life is in danger? Don’t you have sense of responsibility?
The doctor smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I was not in the hospital and I came as soon as possible after receiving the call ...... Now I want you to calm down I can do my work"
"Calm down! And if it was your son would you calm down? If your own son dies now what will you do? “said the father angrily.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Refilling lost holiness...Man shall not live by message alone

Refilling lost holiness...Man shall not live by message alone

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I need to run away from D'Banj, he has spoilt my reputation as Oliver Twist
I could simply regard this D'Banj's Oliver Twist video as loosing touch with reality. I have been so silent and never had the intention to critically evaluate the rift between D’Banj and Don Jazzy because I am of the school of thought with the opinion that the relationship between an artist and a producer is relatively permanent. This is also applicable to employment in private and government firms as there will come a day when this relationship will halt and the parties involved will go their separate ways (Take Kennis Music and 2Face as a case study). Occasionally, the relationship might also be rekindled when there is an opportunity to make stupendous gain and cash off the aficionados (Kennis and Idris Abudulkareem).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Life is complex

Did Justin Bieber get punched in the face?!? No. No one’s going to let that sweet face take a punch.

But it is a brutal-looking photo shoot that Justin has put on for Complex magazine’s 10th-year anniversary, a “knock-out special edition,” to show that Justin knows how to “roll with the punches.”


Lord this is one of the hardest decisions of my life, please help me to do it right 

On Monday, OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) announced the laying off of about 30 employees in order to re-structure for long-tem success.
According to the CEO, Oprah Winfrey:

‘It is difficult to make tough business decisions that affect people’s lives, but the economics of a start-up cable network just don’t work with the cost structure that was in place,’ Winfrey said.
‘As CEO, I have a responsibility to chart the course for long-term success for the network. To wholly achieve that long-term success, this was a necessary next step.'


Please why disturbing my life?...Is it not my right to take out of our  National Cake

When will these vampires stop sucking the wealth of this nation? It is disheartening to read and see the high level of mismanagement and corruption being perpetrated by the people that supposed to manage the wealth of the nation. Rather than helping the nation to witness and experience surplus and growth in gross national product they are creating deficit and bankruptcy for the nation thereby sending many to the land of abject poverty.
In recent time, the female office holders are becoming more greedy, callous and voracious with wealth sucking than their male vampire counterparts. This is evidence in this recent news regarding the DG of SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), Arunma Oteh, who spent a whooping sum of N30 million for staying 28 days in a five star hotel with average meal of N85, 000.

Monday, March 19, 2012


         "I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking." - Albert Einstein


If we are to go by the new development  pronounced by NERC, then there is better hope for the future, rather there is more light in the future than the usual darkness prominent at every corner of the country. Likewise, I believe my people will be free from the dependency on ‘I pass my neighbors’ (generator).

I've passed my major headache to them, they should resolve it by themselves
Following the much debate and deliberation on power (electricity) in Nigeria, NERC (Nigerian Electricity Regulation Commision) has finally agreed to deregulate the power sector with the issue regulations that enable investors, state and local governments to generate and distribute electricity within specific areas.

This deregulation is a product of two new regulations as issued by NERC

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Bro we've had enough business relationship, i think we need to .....(pls complete

When the news of partnering with the internationally renowned artist, Kanye West, came it was like whaooooo! that was a good thing for the Nigeria music industry but the question I asked then was will this not lead to a sour relationship between the duo of D’Banj and Don Jazzy? My friends and colleagues said no this won’t happen as all parties involved would have reached suitable agreement, however, at the moment and following our article about the ownership of Mo’Hits Recording Company, that long relationship between the versatile and sensational Koko Master and Don Baba seems to have hit the rock and both are going apart on a different voyage of survival and music making.

If we are to go by the tweet by Don Jazzy on his tweeter page then this call for a serious rethink about these two guys going apart.

Good day friends. So sorry i have been away for long as i have been going through some changes in my life.
It is with a heavy heart that i announce the end of a long Era and the beginning of a new One
Some of the Rumours U have all heard recently re sad but true.
The way forward now is to make sure i keep bringing you guys more of the beautiful music y'all love to dance to. 
And to end d old era i will b donating d proceeds of my production catalogue from day 1 till date to 5 charity organizations. Thanks. IDJA

I just want them to retrace their beginning and not to be clouded by the fluctuating success that is yet to become a stable success story. They should have the understanding of men and not bring in the cat and dog nature into this beautiful relationship that has yielded great results in the past.
They should understand that irrespective of how good and talented they are, the fame of one of them will definitely reduce with this split.

What will happen to Mo Hit records?
Where will D’Prince, Wande Coal, Dr SID, K Switch and others be heading?
What will these guys bring to the music industry without working together as a team?

When two elephants fight the grasses will suffer the impacts

Whoosh! this is really sad

What do you think D'Banj or Don Jazzy? Your comment, please

Signature: D'Prince

THE VULTURES III: £1.7m ‘con’ by Another Nigerians

About a week ago, we reported the story of a Nigerian that opened 725 accounts in £1.3m benefits swindle under our vulture series. This is another story that is touching because it is relating to other Nigerians who lived on a fast line trying to make fast money through dubious means.

According to SUN Newspaper, another Nigerians swindled £1.7million by hijacking identities and making thousands of false benefit claims, a court has heard.
The Nigerian-born gang are accused of ripping off nearly £900,000 in tax credits over five years by submitting claims using names, dates of births and addresses raided from the Department of Work and Pensions' confidential database.
They are also said to have netted another £820,000 in bogus claims for Sure Start Maternity Grants — a one-off £500 payment to support pregnant women.


Previously, it was a story of a mother sharing some intimate affairs with her son; however, this particular story takes a different dimension. This is quite amazing and different from the usual statistics relating to world population based on gender categorization. This story relates to the declining female population in India. 

According to Pakistan News, Indian which is regarded as the third growing economy in Asia is experiencing a decline in human race as her male population is outgrowing the female population. This latest dilemma has led to ‘wife-sharing’
According to the reports villagers in less known villages in India’s countryside are into the practice of wife sharing, that is, man sharing his wife with other men. In India the sharing of wife with other men has extended to sharing with brothers or even in some cases, friends. Sharing, in this case, refers to a man allowing other men to sexually exploit his wife.

Friday, March 16, 2012


On a weekly basis, we will be bringing you inspirational speeches and stories (stories of individuals and organizations) that could make you make walk without touching the ground and fly without wings.
For this series1, we will be examining the work of Thomas L. Friedman, a three time Pulitzer Prize (the highest award in Print Journalism).  Thomas L. Friedman was born in Minneapolis on July 20, 1953; Mr. Friedman received a B.A. degree in Mediterranean studies from Brandeis University in 1975. In 1978, he received a Master of Philosophy degree in Modern Middle East studies from Oxford. Mr. Friedman joined The New York Times in 1981 and was appointed Beirut bureau chief in 1982. In 1984, he was transferred from Beirut to Jerusalem, where he served as Israel bureau chief until 1988. He was awarded the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for international reporting (from Lebanon), 1988 Pulitzer Prize for international reporting (from Israel) and in 2002 Pulitzer Prize for commentary, his third Pulitzer for The New York Times.
Below are parts of his commencement address delivered at Williams College in 2005:

Lesson #1: Do what you love
Do what you love. Although this might sound like "warm and gooey career advice’" but actually a very "hard-headed’" survival strategy, is because, as I like to put it, the world is getting flat.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Adversity is part of us from the onset and we need to understand how to live and cope with it.
Adversity could be in form of loss of job, loss of loved ones, loss of money, loss of husband or wife, loss of property or anything that brings about a state of hardship or misfortune.
I don’t know if you are undergoing any at the moment but know that:
When adversity comes, don’t avoid it; attack adversity with all your resources.  The way you manage adversity will define who you are and how prepared you are for future opportunities, because adversity can be your road to greatness depending on how you handle it.

Adversity is that which does not kill but postpone the inevitable


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I believe this particle article will be of high interest to my high-tech readers and friends who love technology and gadgets. If you think if seen enough of technology, then you are just at the beginning of many inventions to come.
This small gadget might be small but wonderful and it is available to make life easier and more fun than we can imagined.

This smart gadget not only allows you to connect with people but also allow you to chat with them and satisfies the need to communicate with others.

What so special about this newcomer ‘Inplus smartwatch’ is that apart from showing you the time it allow you to connect to several devices through Bluetooth. It connects with devices such as laptop, computers, smartphones and also allows you to get your emails, texts or incoming calls directly on this watch.


Sometimes, granting an interview could reveal the other side of things people know or perceive about an individual and this is the case of this particular interview granted by the Koko master to ebony magazine. D’Banj talked about his new business relationship with Kanye West, how this happened and basically revealed the ownership of the giant music making company MoHit.
Below is the excerpt:


This attention seeking Sonia could not believe the extent of what she did with the tweets she gave over the internet regarding her night with the new kid on the block-Davido, coupled with the scandalous pictures she posted until she was suspended by the authority of the university.

Although she became noticeable on the campus with this incident but the student union of her university reported her to the authority for the scandalous act and appropriate punishment was awarded.

The Ghana University, where she schools, believes this act of decadence is out of order with the standard and ethics of the university and to prevent a repeat of this, the university authority suspended the 18years old naughty Nigerian girl (I wonder the kind of upbringing she had?).

Anyway, we believe she getting all attention she seeks

Monday, March 12, 2012


This is a followup to our initial article on world billionaires as published by Forbes. This is to enlighten our audience about certain philosophies and strategies of the rich and how you can tap from this.

There was a particular interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the one time second richest man who has donated billions of dollar to charity. Here are some very 
interesting aspects of his life: 

1. He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late! 
2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers. 
3. He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha, 
that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has 
everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence. 
4. He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.
5. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest private jet company. 
6. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. 
He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals 
for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis. 
He has given his CEO's only two rules. Rule number 1: do not lose any 
of your share holder's money. Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1. 
7. He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time 
after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch Television. 
8. Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only 
5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with 
Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But   
when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates 
became a devotee of Warren Buffet.
9. Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on  his desk. 

His advice to young people: "Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself and Remember: 
A. Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money. 
B. Live your life as simple as you are. 
C. Don't do what others say, just listen to them, but do what you feel is good. 
D. Don't go on brand name; just wear those things in which you feel is comfortable. 
E. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on what you really need.
F. After all it's your life then why gives chance to others to rule your life."



Like their usual wayward lifestyle, this particular fraudster is not far from the usual and stereotyped scammer but he did the unusual to become one of the most wanted in UK. Chibuikem Uzoma-Ubani, 29 years old fraudster opened 725 bank accounts in £1.3m benefits swindle. He is a superstar when it comes to womanising as he uses his several lovers to aid his dirty acts. Chibuikem Uzoma-Ubani was found guilty and sentenced for intercepting cheques, tax credit fraud, and false maternity grants.

Before he became so notorious in UK, Chibuikem was initially staying in Slovakia but upon his arrival in UK he dated Denisa Camacho, 28, of Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire, and Katrina Papiernikova, 27, of Romford, Essex. In 2004, he married Camacho and later divorced her to had two kids with Papiernikova.
Chibuikem and Leonard Nwannenah 33, of Dagenham, Essex, opened a ‘bewildering’ 752 bank accounts using the names of hard-working medics and members of the armed forces over a six-year period. Chibuikem also worked with other Nigerians to pull off his fraudulent acts: Okechi Nwannenah, 30 (Nwanneneh’s younger brother), Jennifer Okonkwo, 29(Okechi’s wife).

Saturday, March 10, 2012


1. Name: Carlos Slim Helú and family

Net Worth: $69 billion (DOWN)
Source: Telecom
Citizenship: Mexico

Carlos Slim Helú retains the title of world's richest man for the third year in a row despite a fortune that's $5 billion smaller than a year ago—primarily because of a lower share price for telecom giant America Movil, which accounts for more than half his net worth. In April the company was fined $1 billion by Mexican regulators for monopolistic practices but is appealing the decision. Slim is spending more time working with his Carlos Slim Foundation and the Telmex Foundation than he has in the past. His goal: philanthropic work that develops human capacity.

Net Worth: $61 billion (UP)
Source: Microsoft
Citizenship: USA

First part of mission accomplished: The most generous person on the planet (he’s given away $28 billion already) has helped eradicate polio in India. In January the country announced its first polio-free year. Gates will continue to chip in $200 million a year to rid the world of a disease that is still endemic in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. He also has a new endeavor in the works: fixing agriculture. His foundation has committed more than $2 billion to small farmers. Less than one-fourth of his net worth is still held in Microsoft, whose shares are trading higher than they’ve been in 10 years and helped boost his fortune, which is up $5 billion. The rest is in private equity, bonds and stocks such as Ecolab and Mexican broadcaster Televisa.
3. Name: Warren Buffett

Net Worth: $44 billion (DOWN)
Source: Berkshire Hathaway
Citizenship: USA

Who will replace the Oracle of Omaha at the helm of Berkshire Hathaway? Buffett announced in February he’d finally made the decision, but he wouldn’t give a name. In December he chose his farmer son, Howard, as the future nonexecutive chairman and “guardian of the firm’s values.” New Senate legislation requiring the rich to pay at least a 30% tax rate has been dubbed the “Buffett Rule” in homage to the billionaire’s frequent public statements that the wealthiest should pay more than the average Joe. His net worth is down $6 billion year on year because of a 7% slump in Berkshire’s stock. In his latest annual letter he confessed to some mistakes, including being “dead wrong” about a housing comeback. 

4. Name: Bernard Arnault  

Net Worth: $41 billion (EQUAL)
Source: LVMH
Citizenship: France

The world’s ultimate arbiter of good taste and Europe’s richest person once again, Arnault orchestrated another stellar year at his luxury-goods empire, LVMH. Sales were up 16%, as Europe, Asia and the United States all did well. Louis Vuitton, in particular, thrived. Arnault called 2011 “another great vintage.” LVMH extended ties to two major brands: first, the Bulgari family transferred its majority stake in its eponymous brand to LVMH in exchange for shares and seats on LVMH's board; second, LVMH acquired a 20% stake in Hermes. The group also formed a JV with one of the world’s leading tanneries of crocodile leather, Heng Long.  Arnault hasn’t done as well with his more pedestrian investment in supermarket chain Carrefour, which is worth $1 billion less than it was a year ago. Among his personal high-end collection: He owns yacht builder Royal Van Lent, Indigo Island in the Bahamas (rent: $300,000 a week) and ski chalet Cheval Blanc in Courchevel.