West fans across the United
States and in several other countries lived
on the street for a week for their chance to purchase the rapper's new sneakers
this weekend at thousands of dollars above the retail price.
Nike Air Yeezy II sneakers were being sold at a 400 per cent markup on Saturday
as thousands of people finally got their chance to buy the footwear after
waiting in line for days to take breaks only to shower.

and Comments Regarding the Sneakers:
Fails (from Houston):
I took a vacation with two friends and lived out of a car for more than a week
so that we can buy the sneakers.
Dubose: was so eager to grab a size nine pair of the sneakers that he stood in
line for five days.
Works: drove from Baltimore,
Maryland to SoHo Nike store to pick a
pair he won through raffle draw. He said ‘people want these shoes to the point
where they’ll shoot someone for them’.
reference: dailymail
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